About Me

I grew up in Spencer Projects off of 30th Street. As the youngest among 5 sisters and 2 brothers, I navigated a childhood without a consistent role model. My mother did her best in raising me, as my father was absent and the uncle I looked up to tragically passed away when I was just 12 years old. Unfortunately, my formal education was interrupted as I dropped out of school after my junior year and did not complete my time at Job Corps.

Subsequently, I found myself immersed in a gang lifestyle in Bristol, affiliating myself with the Crips. However, a turning point came when I joined Youthbuild, a program offering educational opportunities like acquiring a GED. With determination, I earned my GED and swiftly enrolled at Metropolitan Community College South. During my time there, I entered the realm of student politics, breaking records with a resounding victory in the college's student council elections. Additionally, I engaged in work-study programs, further solidifying my commitment to personal and professional growth.

Despite the hardships I've faced, I have persevered. Motivated by my passion for helping others and spreading positivity, I founded STNS. Embracing my role as a motivational speaker, I also ventured into the world of fashion with my own clothing line. My speaking engagements span schools, businesses, and youth centers, and I aspire to reach even more audiences with my message of resilience and empowerment. My current focus is to expand my speaking engagements and continue making a positive impact on those around me.